Piemeneliams Pie-me-nėliams vargdie-nė-liams ta-rė Die-vo siun-ti-nys, Sa-kau reiškiai šia-nakt aiškiai gi-mė kurs jus iš-ga-nys chorus Bėkit bekit piemė-neliai, duokit garbę Kudi-keliui prakartėj su-vy-sty-tam Bė-kim-bė-kim, piemene-liai duokim garbę Kudi-keliui vystykluose gulinčiam Sa-ko tie-są, re-gim švie-są ant Bet-lie-jaus kaip die-nos Ne-re-gė-jom, ne-gir-dė-jom nei vie-nos nak-ties to-kios chorus Shepherd to the shepherds, to the poor people said God's messanger I say tonight clearly is born the one who will save you Shepherds Run, run so as to give honor to the baby wrapped in a manger Let Us Run, Shepherds give honor to the baby lying in swaddling clothes Truth proclaims that we see the light on Bethlehem shining like daylight We have not seen, we have not heard ever a night like this